The nights have been pretty rough for us lately. Not sure what is going on with the Brady Boy but he has not been interested in sleeping. Brady was a great sleeper until he started cutting teeth at 5 or 6 months and he hasn't slept since. We will have a few 2 - 3 day sleep streaks but then it's back to his same old tricks. He goes to bed pretty easily then wakes at all hours of the night requested MAMA, MAMA ,MAMA. Actually, two nights in a row at around 2pm he woke demanding pancakes! WEIRD, I know! So I tried a little experiment last night (some mothers might shun me for this but I was sleep deprived and desperate). I'm not a fan of medication...if it's not serious I like to give your body a chance to kick things on their own without the help of over the counter medicines. But last night I gave Brady some Benadryl even though he had no "allergy" symptoms. What a miracle...He slept from 8:30pm to 7am! It was a glorious night sleep and I feel (and look) 100 times better today!
Hooray for sleep!
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